Borja Pereira is a member of the tax team at Euskaltax, where he has been working since September 2017.
Previously, after completing his studies, he developed his professional career in the tax department of PwC in the Bilbao office.
He has extensive experience in providing day-to-day tax advice to national and international groups of companies and family businesses, both industrial and service companies, as well as in the taxation of expatriates and impatriates.
He has also been involved in corporate reorganisation projects and company acquisitions, as well as in due diligence processes.
Bachelor’s degree in Law from the University of Deusto, specialising in Economics (2007).
Master’s degree in Tax Consultancy from the University of Deusto (2008).
Lecturer in the Corporate Tax module of the Master’s degree in Taxation and Tax Consultancy at the University of Sarriko (UPV/EHU).
Occasional speaker at training sessions organised by the Basque Association of Economists.